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Results for Words= gen0715; Sorted by: Year, then Author
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Records 1 - 30 of 146 (maximum display and sort is 1000 records)  
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Author Title Series Year Lib/Items
Fialon, Sabine 1984- La Passio sanctae Salsae, BHL 7467 :. recherches sur une passion tardive d’Afrique du Nord / ét Scripta antiqua 72 2015 Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)
Friis-Jensen, Karsten. author. The Medieval Horace / Karsten Friis-Jensen ; edited by Karin Margareta Fredborg, Minna Skafte Je Analecta Romana Instituti Danici. Supplementum 2015 Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)
Geissinger, Aisha. author. Gender and Muslim constructions of exegetical authority :. a rereading of the classical genre of Islamic history and civilization v. 117 2015 Gennadius Library( 2/ 0)
Grundeken, Mark, 1984-. author. Community Building in the Shepherd of Hermas :. A Critical Study of some Key Aspects / by Mark G Supplements to Vigiliae Christianae 131 2015 Gennadius Library( 2/ 0)
Juhel, Pierre O. Un danois en Macédoine à la fin du 19e siècle :. Karl Frederik Kinch et ses notes épigrahiqu Μακεδονικά Επιγραφικά 1 2015 Blegen Library( 1/ 0)
British School Library( 1/ 0)
Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)
Mattei, Jean-Louis, 1951-.... Affaires turques de Rebus Turcicis, 1645-1665 :. 99 lettres traduites du latin / études et note Les Cahiers du Bosphore LXXXII 2015 Gennadius Library( 2/ 0)
Niš and Byzantium Nis i Vizantija :. Trinaesti naucni skup, Nis, 3.-5. Jun 2014 : zborn ik radova XIII / curednik,
2015 Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)
Origen Die neuen Psalmenhomilien :. eine kritische Edition des Codex monacensis graecus 314 / herausgeg Origenes Werke dreizehnter Band 2015 Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)
Shalev-Hurvitz, Vered,. author. Holy sites encircled :. the early Byzantine concentric churches of Jerusalem / Vered Shalev-Hurv Oxford studies in Byzantium 2015 British School Library( 1/ 0)
Gennadius Library( 2/ 0)
Welten des Wissens Worlds of learning :. the library and world chronicle of the Nuremberg physician Hartmann Schede Ausstellungskataloge / Bayerische Staatsbiblio 2015 Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)
Βλάμη, Δέσποινα. author. Trading with the Ottomans :. the Levant Company in the Middle East / Despina Vlami. Library of Ottoman studies 49 2015 British School Library( 1/ 0)
Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)
Νίγδελης, Παντελής Μ. Πέτρου Ν. Παπαγεωργίου :. Επιγραφικά μελετήματα: αρχα Μακεδονικά Επιγραφικά 2 2015 Blegen Library( 1/ 0)
British School Library( 1/ 0)
Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)
Χατζηπαναγιώτη-Sangmeister, Ίλια Ταξίδι, γραφή, αναπαράσταση :. μελέτες για την ταξιδι
2015 Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)

Prester John :. the legend and its sources. Crusade texts in translation 27 2015 Gennadius Library( 2/ 0)

Bau und Schrift :. Studien zur Archäologie und Literatur des antiken Christentums : für Hans R Jahrbuch für Antike und Christentum. Ergänzu 2015 Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)
Cameron, Averil. Byzantine matters / Averil Cameron.
2014 British School Library( 1/ 0)
Gennadius Library( 2/ 0)
Carpinato, Caterina editor. Storia e storie della lingua greca / a cura di Caterina Carpinato e Olga Tribulato. Antichistica ; 5 2014 Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)
Caseau-Chevallier, Béatrice Inheritance, law and religions in the Ancient and Mediaeval worlds / edited by Béatrice Caseau Monographies 45 2014 Blegen Library( 1/ 0)
Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)
Cecini, Giovanni, 1979-. author. La Guardia di Finanza nelle isole italiane dell’Egeo, 1912-1945 / Giovanni Cecini.
2014 Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)
Coetzee, Michelle,. author. The filioque impasse :. patristic roots / Michelle Coetzee. Perspectives on philosophy and religious thoug 2014 Gennadius Library( 2/ 0)
Gianazza, Pier Giorgio. author. Il linguaggio delle icone :. l’universo delle immagini nelle Chiese orientali / Pier Giorgio Gia Conifere 2014 Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)
Hooland, Seth van. author. Linked data for libraries, archives and museums :. how to clean, link and publish your metadata
2014 Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)
International Congress of Byzantine Studies Thessalonique au temps des Zélotes :. 1342-1350 : actes de la table ronde organisée dans le ca Monographies 42 2014 Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)
Kiesling, John Brady, 1957-. author. Greek urban warriors :. resistance and terrorism 1967-2014 / John Brady Kiesling.
2014 British School Library( 1/ 0)
Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)
Pahlitzsch, Johannes. Der arabische Procheiros Nomos :. Untersuchung und Edition der Übersetzung eines byzantinischen Forschungen zur byzantinischen Rechtsgeschicht 2014 Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)
Αθανασίου, Γιώργος Κ. Πόρος, Τροιζηνία, Μέθανα με το βλέμμα των περιηγητών
2014 Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)
Υφαντής, Νίκος Θ. 1936- Η εθνική ελληνική μειονότητα Βορείου Ηπείρου στην Ε
2014 Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)
Cavarra, Berenice. author. Scienza, medicina e filosofia a Bisanzio / Berenice Cavarra. Urano e Gea 2013 Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)
Livi, Silvano. L’ortodossia e gli altri :. il dialogo cattolico romano-ortodosso nel secolo XIX : la svolta del Collana "Orientalia". Sez. Ortodossia 2013 Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)
Nienhaus, Stefan, editor. Questione armena e cultura europea / a cura di Stefan Nienhaus, Domenico Mugnolo. Mercurio 1 2013 Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)

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