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Records 1 - 30 of 174 (maximum display and sort is 1000 records) |
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# | Author | Title | Series | Year | Lib/Items | ||
1 | Baudry,, of Bourgueil, Archbishop of Dol,, 1046-1130,. author. | Baldric of Bourgueil ’History of the Jerusalemites’ :. a translation of the ’Historia Ierosolimi | Crusading in context | 2020 | Gennadius Library( 2/ 0) |
2 | Bieber, Florian,. author. | Debating nationalism :. the global spread of nations / Florian Bieber. | Debates in world history | 2020 | Gennadius Library( 1/ 0) |
3 | Burgat, François,. author. | Understanding political Islam / François Burgat ; Translated by Thomas Hill. | 2020 | Gennadius Library( 2/ 0) |
4 | Busk, Larry Alan,, 1990-. author. | Democracy in spite of the demos :. from Arendt to the Frankfurt School / Larry Alan Busk. | Reinventing critical theory | 2020 | Gennadius Library( 2/ 0) |
5 | Collins, Jeffrey R.,. author. | In the shadow of Leviathan :. John Locke and the politics of conscience / Jeffrey R. Collins, Qu | Ideas in context | 2020 | Gennadius Library( 2/ 0) |
6 | Dragnea, Mihai,. author. | The Wendish Crusade, 1147 :. the development of crusading ideology in the twelfth century / Miha | 2020 | Gennadius Library( 2/ 0) |
7 | Flanders, Judith,. author. | A place for everything :. the curious history of alphabetical order / Judith Flanders. | 2020 | Gennadius Library( 2/ 0) |
8 | Gabrielli, Patrizia,. author. | Prima della tragedia :. militari italiani a Cefalonia e a Corfù / Patrizia Gabrielli. | 2020 | Gennadius Library( 1/ 0) |
9 | Ghaemmaghami, Omid. author. | Encounters with the hidden imam in early and pre-modern Twelver Shīʻī Islam / by Omid Ghaemma | Islamic history and civilization 0929-2403 vol | 2020 | Gennadius Library( 1/ 0) |
10 | Ghazvinian, John H. (John Hossein), 1974- editor, writer of introduction. | American and Muslim worlds before 1900 / edited by John Ghazvinian and Arthur Mitchell Fraas. | Islam of the Global West | 2020 | Gennadius Library( 2/ 0) |
11 | Głowacka-Grajper, Małgorzata, editor. | The burden of the past :. history, memory, and identity in contemporary Ukraine / edited by Malg | 2020 | Gennadius Library( 2/ 0) |
12 | Gottreich, Emily,, 1966-. author. | Jewish Morocco :. a history from pre-Islamic to postcolonial times / Emily Gottreich. | Library of Middle East history | 2020 | Gennadius Library( 2/ 0) |
13 | Hahn, Cynthia J. (Cynthia Jean). author. | Passion relics and the Medieval imagination :. art, architecture, and society / Cynthia Hahn. | The Franklin D. Murphy lecture series | 2020 | Gennadius Library( 2/ 0) |
14 | Henderson, Robert, (Honorary research associate),. author. | The spark that lit the revolution :. Lenin in London and the politics that changed the world / R | 2020 | Gennadius Library( 2/ 0) |
15 | Hirschler, Konrad,. author. | A monument to medieval Syrian book culture: the library of Ibn °Abd al-Håadåi / Konrad Hirsch | Edinburgh studies in classical Islamic history | 2020 | Gennadius Library( 2/ 0) |
16 | Hornung, Christian. author., 1981- | Monachus et sacerdos :. asketische Konzeptualisierungen des Klerus im antiken Christentum / von | Supplements to Vigiliae Christianae 0920-623X | 2020 | Gennadius Library( 1/ 0) |
17 | Kiaupienė, Jūratė,. author. | Between Rome and Byzantium :. the golden age of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania’s political culture | Lithuanian studies without borders | 2020 | Gennadius Library( 2/ 0) |
18 | Lee, Alexander, (Historian). author. | Machiavelli :. his life and times / Alexander Lee. | 2020 | Gennadius Library( 2/ 0) |
19 | Mansour, Rula Khoury. author. | Theology of reconciliation in the context of church relations :. a Palestinian Christian perspec | 2020 | Gennadius Library( 2/ 0) |
20 | Oort, J. van (Johannes). author. | Mani and Augustine :. collected essays on Mani, Manichaeism and Augustine / Johannes van Oort. | Nag Hammadi and Manichaean studies 0929-2470 v | 2020 | Gennadius Library( 1/ 0) |
21 | Petsinis, Vassilis. author. | National identity in Serbia :. the Vojvodina and a multi-ethnic community in the Balkans / Vassi | 2020 | Gennadius Library( 1/ 0) |
22 | Salzborn, Samuel. author. | The modern state and its enemies :. democracy, nationalism and antisemitism / Samuel Salzborn. | 2020 | Gennadius Library( 2/ 0) |
23 | Sartori, Paolo, 1975- editor. | Sharīʻa in the Russian Empire :. the reach and limits of Islamic law in Central Eurasia, 1550 | 2020 | Gennadius Library( 2/ 0) |
24 | Sinclair, T. A.,. author. | Eastern trade and the Mediterranean in the Middle Ages :. Pegolotti’s Ayas-Tabriz itinerary and | Birmingham Byzantine and Ottoman studies 25 | 2020 | Gennadius Library( 1/ 0) |
25 | Still, Todd D., editor. | Irenaeus and Paul / edited by Todd D. Still and David E. Wilhite. | Pauline and Patristic scholars in debate | 2020 | Gennadius Library( 2/ 0) |
26 | Tatsumi, Yukiko, editor. | Publishing in Tsarist Russia :. a history of print media from enlightenment to revolution / edit | Library of modern Russia | 2020 | Gennadius Library( 2/ 0) |
27 | Thaisia, Abbess, 1840-1915. | Servire Dio e servire i fratelli :. volti di misericordia nella Russia del XX secolo / Taisija d | Letture cristiane del secondo millennio 62 | 2020 | Gennadius Library( 2/ 0) |
28 | Theodoret,, Bishop of Cyrrhus,. author. | Unterscheidung von Lüge und Wahrheit :. Abriss über die üblen Märchen der Häretiker Zusamme | Griechischen christlichen Schriftsteller der e | 2020 | Gennadius Library( 1/ 0) |
29 | Audino, Salvatore, 1958-. photographer. | Tornanti :. gli ultimi Greci dell’Aspromonte / Salvatore Audino - Carmela Barbara. | 2019 | Gennadius Library( 1/ 0) |
30 | Barbero, Luca Massimo 1963- editor. | De Chirico / a cura di Luca Massimo Barbero. | 2019 | Gennadius Library( 1/ 0) |
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