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Results for Words= gen0920; Sorted by: Year, then Author
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Records 1 - 30 of 180 (maximum display and sort is 1000 records)  
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Author Title Series Year Lib/Items
Albritton, Benjamin, editor. Medieval manuscripts in the digital age / Benjamin Albritton, Georgia Henley, and Elaine Treharn Digital research in arts and humanities 2020 Gennadius Library( 2/ 0)
Apollinaris, Bishop of Laodicea, -approximately 390. Apollinaris of Laodicea :. metaphrasis psalmorum / edited and translated by Andrew Faulkner.
2020 Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)
Arad, Pnina Christian Maps of the Holy Land :. images and meanings. Cultural encounters in Late Antiquity and the 2020 Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)
Bailey, Heather L.,, 1969-. author. The public image of Eastern Orthodoxy :. France and Russia, 1848-1870 / Heather L. Bailey. NIU series in orthodox Christian studies 2020 Gennadius Library( 2/ 0)
Bloxham, Donald,. author. History and morality / Donald Bloxham.
2020 Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)
Bloxham, Donald,. author. Why history? :. a history / Donald Bloxham.
2020 Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)
Byford, Jovan. author. Picturing genocide in the independent state of Croatia :. atrocity images and the contested memo War, culture and society 2020 Gennadius Library( 2/ 0)
Castelli, Silvia,. author. Johann Jakob Wettstein’s Principles for New Testament textual criticism :. a fight for scholarly New Testament tools, studies and documents 007 2020 Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)
Christ, Georg, editor. Cultures of empire :. rethinking Venetian rule 1400-1700 : essays in honour of Benjamin Arbel /  The medieval Mediterranean, peoples, economies 2020 Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)
Clements, Niki Kasumi. author. Sites of the ascetic self :. John Cassian and Christian ethical formation / Niki Kasumi Clements
2020 Gennadius Library( 2/ 0)
Davidson, Garrett A.,. author. Carrying on the tradition :. a social and intellectual history of Hadith transmission across a t Islamic history and civilization. Studies and 2020 Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)
Dell’Acqua, Francesca,. author. Iconophilia :. politics, religion, preaching, and the use of images in Rome, c. 680-880 / France Birmingham Byzantine and Ottoman studies 27 2020 Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)
Dell’Aguzzo, Loretta,. author. Conflitti separatisti :. Caucaso meridionale, Europa orientale e Balcani, 1991-2014 / Loretta De Biblioteca di testi e studi ; 1309 2020 Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)
Desmond, William D.,, 1974-. author. Hegel’s antiquity / Will D. Desmond. Classical presences 2020 Gennadius Library( 2/ 0)
Di Colloredo, Pierluigi Romeo,. author. Confine orientale :. Italiani e Slavi sull’Amarissimo dal Risorgimento all’esodo / Pierluigi Rom Collana Secolo breve 2020 Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)
Dobson, Miriam, editor Reading primary sources :. the interpretation of texts from nineteenth and twentieth century his Routledge guides to using historical sources 2020 Gennadius Library( 2/ 0)
Dondi, Christina Ένα βιβλίο, έξι αιώνες ιστορίας :. εκδόσεις από την αυ
2020 Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)
Els, Ad van. author. A man and his manuscripts :. the notebooks of Ademar of Chabannes (989-1034) / Ad van Els ; tran Bibliologia, 1375-9566 volumen 56 2020 Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)
Falcasantos, Rebecca Stephens, 1980-. author. Constantinople :. ritual, violence, and memory in the making of a Christian imperial capital / R
2020 Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)
Göktürk, Gülen. author. Well-preserved boundaries :. faith and co-existence in the late Ottoman Empire / Gülen Göktür Birmingham Byzantine and Ottoman studies volum 2020 Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)
Gourlay, William,. author The Kurds in Erdogan’s Turkey :. balancing identity, resistance and citizenship / William Gourla Edinburgh studies on modern Turkey 2020 Gennadius Library( 2/ 0)
Grafton, Anthony,. author. Inky fingers :. the making of books in early modern Europe / Anthony Grafton.
2020 Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)
Gron, Silvia, 1961- editor. August Tales :. progetti per Zante = projects for Zakynthos / Silvia Gron, Eleni Gkrimpa (a cura Elzéard ; 03 2020 Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)
Harris, Jonathan. author Introduction to Byzantium, 602-1453 / Jonathan Harris.
2020 Gennadius Library( 2/ 0)
Hupsch, Piet Hein,. author. The glory of the spirit in Gregory of Nyssa’s Adversus Macedonianos :. commentary and systematic Supplements to Vigiliae Christianae. texts and 2020 Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)
International Congress of Byzantine Studies Archaeology of a world of changes :. late Roman and early Byzantine architecture, sculpture and BAR international series ; 2973 2020 British School Library( 1/ 0)
Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)
Knossos Library( 1/ 0)
International Congress of Byzantine Studies La diplomatie byzantine, de l’Empire romain aux confins de l’Europe (Ve-XVe s.) :. Actes de la T The medieval Mediterranean 0928-5520 volume 12 2020 Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)
Jackson-McCabe, Matt A.,. author. Jewish Christianity :. the making of the Christianity-Judaism divide / Matt Jackson-McCabe. Anchor Yale Bible reference library 2020 Gennadius Library( 2/ 0)
Koca, Ozgur,, 1977-. author. Islam, causality, and freedom :. from the medieval to the modern era / Ozgur Koca.
2020 Gennadius Library( 2/ 0)
Kocí, Martin, 1987. author Thinking faith after Christianity :. a theological reading of Jan Patocka’s phenomenological phi SUNY series in theology and continental though 2020 Gennadius Library( 2/ 0)

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