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Results for Words= blg0612 or gen0612 or bsa0612; Sorted by: Year, then Author
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Records 1 - 30 of 366 (maximum display and sort is 1000 records)  
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Author Title Series Year Lib/Items
Ackeren, Marcel van A companion to Marcus Aurelius / edited by Marcel van Ackeren. Blackwell companions to the ancient world. Anc 2012 Blegen Library( 2/ 1)
Alcock, Susan E. ed. Classical Archaeology / edited by Susan E. Alcock and Robin Osborne. Blackwell studies in global archaeology 10 2012 Blegen Library( 1/ 0)
British School Library( 1/ 0)
Altman, William H. F., 1955- Plato the teacher :. the crisis of The republic / William H.F. Altman.
2012 Blegen Library( 1/ 0)
Aristides, Aelius Ίεροί λόγοι :. σώμα και γλώσσα στα όνειρα ενάς ρήτορα
2012 Blegen Library( 1/ 0)
British School Library( 1/ 0)
Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)
Aristotle Aristotle Poetics :. editio maior of the Greek text with historical introductions and philologic Mnemosyne. Supplements. Monographs on Greek an 2012 Blegen Library( 2/ 0)
British School Library
Aristotle Fisica :. libro III / Aristotele ; introduzione, traduzione e commento di Monica Ugaglia. Classici 16 2012 Blegen Library( 1/ 0)
Arnold, Felix 1972- Orte der Herrschaft :. Charakteristika von antiken Machtzentren / herausgegeben von Felix Arnold Menschen - Kulturen - Traditionen : Studien au 2012 Blegen Library( 1/ 0)
Attema, Peter A. J. Comparative issues in the archaeology of the roman rural landscape :. site classification betwee Journal of Roman archaeology. Supplementary se 2012 Blegen Library( 1/ 0)
British School Library
Balch, David L. Contested spaces :. houses and temples in Roman Antiquity and the New Testament / edited by Davi Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Tes 2012 Blegen Library( 1/ 0)
Baraz, Yelena, 1975- A written republic :. Cicero’s philosophical politics / Yelena Baraz.
2012 Blegen Library( 2/ 0)
Barschdorf, Jens Freigelassene in der Spätantike / Jens Barschdorf. Quellen und Forschungen zur antiken Welt Bd. 5 2012 Blegen Library( 1/ 0)
Beneker, Jeffrey The passionate statesman :. Eros and politics in Plutarch’s Lives / Jeffrey Beneker.
2012 Blegen Library( 2/ 0)
Bintliff, John L.. ed., 1949- The complete archaeology of Greece :. from hunter-gatherers to the 20th century A.D. / by John B
2012 Blegen Library( 1/ 0)
British School Library( 3/ 0)
Biondi, Graziano 1963- Gnosi :. nostalgia della luce : rito simbolico italiano : Collegia Mediolanum, Capitolium / Graz
2012 Blegen Library( 1/ 0)
Borchhardt, Jürgen, 1936- Limyra :. Studien zu Kunst und Epigraphik in den Nekropolen der Antike / Jürgen Borchhardt, Ana Forschungen in Limyra Bd. 5 2012 Blegen Library( 2/ 0)
Brakke, David Shifting cultural frontiers in Late Antiquity / edited by David Brakke, Deborah Deliyannis and E
2012 Blegen Library( 1/ 0)
Brandt, Olof Battisteri oltre la pianta :. gli alzati di nove battisteri paleocristiani in Italia / Olof Bran Studi di antichita cristiana 64 2012 Blegen Library( 1/ 0)
Breitwieser, Rupert Behinderungen und Beeinträchtigungen = Disability and impairment in antiquity / edited by Ruper Studies in Early Medicine 2 2012 Blegen Library( 1/ 0)
British School Library( 1/ 0)
Bruschetti, Paolo La necropoli di Crocifisso del Tufo a Orvieto :. contesti tombali / Paolo Bruschetti. Monumenti etruschi 10 2012 Blegen Library( 1/ 0)
Carile, Maria Cristina The vision of the palace of the Byzantine emperors as a heavenly Jerusalem / Maria Cristina Cari Studi e ricerche di archeologia e storia dell’ 2012 Blegen Library( 1/ 0)
British School Library( 1/ 0)
Chiaradonna, Riccardo 1970- Filosofia tardoantica : storia e problemi / a cura di Riccardo Chiaradonna. Frecce 132 2012 Blegen Library( 1/ 0)
Christophoros, ho Mytilenaios Christophori Mitylenaii Versuum variorum Collectio Cryptensis / Christophori Mitylenaii ; edita Corpus Christianorum. Series Graeca 74 2012 Gennadius Library( 1/ 0)
Cifani, Gabriele Landscape, ethnicity and identity in the archaic Mediterranean area / edited by Gabriele Cifani
2012 Blegen Library( 1/ 0)
British School Library( 1/ 0)
Convegno di studi su Torre di Satriano Lo spazio del potere II :. nuove ricerche nell’area dell’anaktoron di Torre di Satriano : atti d Archeologia 2012 Blegen Library( 1/ 0)
Convegno epigrafico cominese Le epigrafi della Valle di Comino :. atti dell’ ottavo Convegno epigrafico cominese : Atina, Pal
2012 Blegen Library( 1/ 0)
Corbel-Morana, Cécile Le bestiaire d’Aristophane / Cécile Corbel-Morana. Collection d’études anciennes. Série grecque 2012 Blegen Library( 1/ 0)
Critical Roman Archaeology Conference Making roman places, past and present :. papers presented at the first Critical Roman Archaeolog Journal of Roman archaeology. Supplementary se 2012 Blegen Library( 1/ 0)
British School Library
Fano, Vincenzo I paradossi di Zenone / Vincenzo Fano. Bussole 441 2012 Blegen Library( 1/ 0)
Faraone, Christopher Athanasious 1955- Greek and Roman animal sacrifice :. ancient victims, modern observers / edited by Christopher A.
2012 Blegen Library( 2/ 0)
British School Library( 1/ 0)
Fiandra, Enrica, 1930- Atene :. il Portico di Eumene, 1957 / Enrica Fiandra. CIRAAS 13 2012 Blegen Library( 1/ 0)

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